Florists in Millbrae, CA
Find local Millbrae, California florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Millbrae and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Millbrae Flower Shops
365 El Camino Real
Millbrae, CA 94030
(650) 692-0998
979 Broadway
Millbrae, CA 94030
(650) 274-6230
Millbrae CA News
Feb 1, 2020Deaths for the week of Jan. 10, 2020 - The Jewish News of Northern California
Shirley Lenore Daniel
March 15, 1921–Dec. 16, 2019
Shirley Lenore Daniel, 98, passed away peacefully December 16, 2019, in Millbrae, CA.
Shirley was born March 15, 1921, in San Francisco to Sam and Silvia Wenger and spent the majority of her life in the city she loved. She had an idyllic childhood and idolized both her parents. Shirley graduated from George Washington High School, class of 1938, just the second year after the school’s opening.
Shirley was predeceased by her husband, Leslie, of 56 years. She was also predeceased by her brother, Irwin Wenger.
Shirley is survived by her three sons, Bruce Daniel, Clifford Daniel (Gigi) and Sanford Daniel (Janis). Also survived by her grandchildren, Aaron and Julia Daniel.
Mom was very dedicated to her family and proud of all their accomplishments. She was proud of her Jewish identity. Mom was very enthusiastic about being a native San Franciscan (born and raised), even having walked across the Golden Gate Bridge on the day it opened in 1937. Mom engaged in many activities to keep her mind sharp, including a lifelong love of playing bridge, mahjong and knitting.
Services were held Dec. 20 at Home of Peace Cemetery Chapel in Colma. Contributions to San Francisco Campus for Jewish Living (formerly Jewish Home for the Aged), 302 Silver Ave., SF, CA 94112 preferred.
Allen Marvin Dekelboum
May 21, 1930–Dec. 7, 2019
Allen Marvin Dekelboum...