Florists in Cool, CA
Find local Cool, California florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Cool and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
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Cool CA News
Apr 4, 2021Gardening April 2021 – -
Put support rings around Peonies and spray emerging shoots with Bonide to prevent botrytis and spray them again in mid-May. Plant cool-weather crops like Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss chard, Turnips, Peas, and Sweet Peas. The soil needs to be at least 60 degrees before planting other crops.
Start Tomato seeds indoors on Tax Day April 15th and gradually harden them off before planting in your vegetable garden in early June.
And once again remember you are gardening on an Island surrounded by cold water, so the spring here is a bit colder than it is on the mainland. You will need to protect new plants from the cool winds off the ocean until mid-June.
In closing, I would like to draw your attention to two lovely articles in the latest Union Chapel newsletter about two parishioners who are gardeners, Diane Dexter and Janelle Senator. The articles about them are truly inspirational as is the new Union Chapel bulb garden that we will all enjoy. READ THEM HERE
Apr 4, 2021Celebrate Easter with a gift of life - West Hawaii Today
Easter reminds us that life is a cycle of what appears to be death and rebirth. In cooler climates, it is what we learn by observing plants that go dormant in the winter only to sprout anew in the spring. Bulbs like crocus and daffodils are examples.
Many types of bulbs are popular this time of year, but the Easter Lily with its trumpet flowers is by far the most popular. The lesson taught by the Easter lily is that it will soon begin to fade after we celebrate the holiday only to come back to life next season. These beautiful flowers give us pleasure, but we often don’t realize how much effort goes into producing that flower right at Easter. The lily did not really become part of our modern tradition until the early 20th Century when World War I soldier Louis Houghton brought what was then called the Bermuda Lily to Oregon. Commercial flower growers began to grow and promote them for the holiday.
Some Bible references to support using the lily are found in the Sermon on the Mount. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They toil n...
Apr 4, 2021'Tulip Guy' Steve Zwiep, parks supervisor, retires after 30 years with city of Holland -
Tulip Time and "Coolest Downtown." More: America in Bloom judge was wowed by Holland"It brought a lot of attention to the city of Holland," Zwiep said. "The way people are in Holland, they love their town. We do a good job of preserving history, a fantastic job with flowers and landscaping and environmental preservation. These are all things that the citizens of Holland are concerned about." Zwiep said he intends to remain involved with Holland in Bloom in retirement. — Contact reporter Carolyn Muyskens at and follow her on Twitter at @cjmuyskens.
Apr 4, 2021'The Simpsons' Staff Sent Flowers To the 'South Park' Writers for Making Fun of 'Family Guy' - Showbiz Cheat Sheet
Family Guy,” says Parker. “And it’s sort of a childish jealousy thing too because it’s like ‘come on, our stuff is cooler.’”
In a separate interview with, Parker said, “We got flowers from The Simpsons people because we ripped on Family Guy.”
Seth MacFarlane talks about his relationship with ‘The Simspons’ writers and ‘South Park’ writers
Seth MacFarlane Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images
RELATED: Trey Parker Finds These ‘South Park’ Episodes ‘Embarrassing To Watch’
While speaking to Howard Stern, MacFarlane weighed in on his relationship with The Simpsons writers and South Park writers.
Of his relationships with The Simpsons writers, he claims, “That’s more of a friendly rivalry. They take shots of us, we take shots at them… Matt Groening is a friend of mine. He’s a great guy. That’s more of an ‘all in good fun’ type of thing.”
And when talking about Parker and Stone, MacFarlane said, “They seem to have some… I don’t know. They can say whatever they want about the show, you know, just go nuts… But what sort of crossed the line for me was, you know, don’t go harping on staff writers.”
Feb 1, 2021Gardening: Order from seed catalogs now - The Providence Journal
You can prolong the viability and vigor of your seeds by storing them properly. They do best in a dark, dry place cooler than 40 degrees. Freezing is fine, too, but put them in an airtight container. In fact, that’s always a good idea.Despite what I wrote above, I have germinated seeds much older than the suggested limits when I have not been able to find the varieties I wanted. There are downsides to using old seeds. They generally germinate at much lower rates. You can test this by wrapping 10 older seeds in a paper towel and keeping it moist on a sponge. If less than half germinate in a week or two, buy new seeds. You can do that now, before you place your seed order.Older seeds also have less vigor. That is the main reason I avoid them, even if they will germinate at 60%. Not all seeds are created equal, and I want those that are ready to explode with pent-up energy, ready to grow.It’s important to know which seeds need to be started indoors, and which can do well planted directly in the ground. All your root crops are best started outdoors in the ground, though beets can be started indoors. Beans and peas are direct-seeded outside, too. Corn can be started in the ground or indoors in flats. Crows love freshly germinated corn seeds with a little green leaf, so planting 4-inch plants started indoors is good if you have just a small plot.Although you can start the vine crops directly in the soil, I have troubles with striped cucumber beetles killing the young plants when they first germinate by stripping them of their first leaves. So, I start squash-family vines in small pots indoors a month or so before outdoor planting day. By then, the plants will be big enough to survive some leaf damage by those insect pests.Tomatoes, eggplants, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and lettuce I start indoors in April or buy in six-packs. Peppers and some flowers need to be started indoors ve...