Florists in Brea, CA
Find local Brea, California florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Brea and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
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Brea CA News
Jul 6, 2021Flowers on France - Mpls.St.Paul Magazine
As local museums, performing arts centers, and restaurants continue to find new ways to breathe air into fresh starts, we also look to our retail community to provide a little escapism—and the best examples are merchants and visual merchandisers who create dynamic eye candy displays. And you know what? You don’t need to have a dollar in your pocket to enjoy a little window-shopping.
We did a double take when images began to pop up on social media of a giant mural taking shape on the exterior of Galleria. Bold art graphics in vibrant colors lined a south-facing stretch of the center’s distinctive brick façade. (Graphics were eventually added to the France Avenue side.) Local artist Lindsey Made This, who previously collaborated with Coach and Apple, worked with Galleria to create the bright, cheerful installation.
“We thought [Lindsey] would be perfect for the mission of bringing a smile to people’s faces during this time,” says Rachel Oelke, director of marketing for Galleria. “We’ve had so much seriousness during the pandemic, and we wanted to give people a break f...
Jul 6, 2021`Corpse Flower' Blooms at Huntington Botanical Gardens -
Arum and corpse flower, can reach more than 8 feet in height when it blooms, opening to a diameter of 4 feet. This year’s specimen reached 90 inches, breaking the previous local record of 81 inches in 2009.
When in one of its ultra-rare blooms, it gives off an odor akin to rotting flesh, attracting insects that pollinate the flowers deep inside. The blooming plant produces two key gases — dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide — that also are present in decomposing animals and vegetables, according to Susan Turner-Lowe, The Huntington’s vice president for communications & marketing.
What prompts a particular plant to start the blooming process largely remains a mystery, Turner-Lowe said, but the corpse flower tends to bloom during hot weather.
When a corpse flower was first displayed at the Kew Royal Botanic Gardens in the late 19th century, at least one Victorian woman was said to have swooned when she got a whiff of the bloom.
The flower was first displayed in the United States in 1937 at the New York Botanical Garden.
The Huntington’s pollination process can be viewed at
Advance reservations are required to view the flower in person, and can be made at
`Corpse Flower’ Blooms at Huntington Botanical Gardens was last modified: July 6th, 2021 by Contributing Editor>> Want to read more stories like this? Get our Free Daily Newsletters Here!Follow us: Adblock test (Why?)...