Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.


Select from variety of flower arrangements with bright flowers and vibrant blossoms! Same Day Delivery Available!


Classically beautiful and elegant, assortment of roses is a timeless and thoughtful gift!

Florists in Bellflower, CA

Find local Bellflower, California florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Bellflower and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.

Bellflower Flower Shops

A Bella Flower Boutique

17057 Bellflower Blvd Ste 102
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 353-6147

Bell Flowers & Gifts

14377 Clark Avenue
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 804-7287

Flowers 2 Go

9348 Artesia Blvd
Bellflower, CA 90706
(562) 281-9660

Bellflower CA News

Jul 26, 2019

Flower Farmers' Big Weekend - Saga Magazine News

Another reason for the burgeoning success of home-grown blooms is that many of our beloved favourites - snapdragons, stocks, bellflowers and narcissi for instance - don’t travel well, so florists prefer to purchase them from local growers. Scent is another big sell for British growers, whose fragrant posies fly off their stalls at farmers’ markets. Customers are thrilled to be able to buy bunches of deliciously scented lily of the valley, lilac, sweet peas, Damask roses and clove-scented pinks. Grace Alexander Flowers, Somerset This was the experience that Flowers from the Farm founder and Honorary President, Gillian Hodgson of Field House Flowers in Yorkshire, had when she started out. After selling flowers at her gate, she took on a stall at her local farmers’ market and found that people queued up to sniff and buy the bouquets. “Customers reminisced about gardens they had known,” she recalls. “It was obvious that flowers went straight to the heart of everyone and that people believed such seasonal flowers were a thing of the past. I wanted to join an association of other growers: people who were as excited as I was by the possibilities of British flowers. I searched for such an organisation without success, so decided to form one.” Today Flowers from the Farm comprises over 620 members, from Cornwall to Inverness. These passionate growers and florists all champion a return to home-grown seasonal flowers, both to safeguard the environment and to provide British shoppers with the charm and scent of traditional blooms. The Flower Farmers’ Big Weekend 16-18 August; entry prices vary,; #flowerfarmersbigweekend Organic Blooms, Oxfordshire. Five growers to visit during The Flower Farmers’ Big Weekend Picking Posies, Lancashire On 17 August, grower Becky Hindley will welcome visitors to see her plot, buy freshly cut flowers and enjoy refreshments. Entry costs £2 and proceeds go to charity. Far Hill Flowers, Monmouthshire Join grower Justine Scouller on 18 August for a tour of her cutting patch and garden. Buy cut flowers and enjoy refreshments. Entry £5; children go free. Howe Farm Flowers, Buckinghamshire On 17 August, grower Amber Partner will welcome you to pick flowers and demonstrate how to prepare and arrange them for the vase. Tickets cost £55. Keeping the Plot, Fife On 18 August, grower Sarah Hunter will give visitors a tour of her flower field and invite them to pick their own flowers. Tickets cost £25 and include a picnic lunch. The Forgotten Garden, Devon Enjoy Patricia Cottam’s market garden on the edge of Exmoor on 17 August; buy flowers and enjoy refreshments. Bouquet workshop on 18 August costs £45. Subscribe today for just £12 for 12 issues...

Apr 27, 2019

On Gardening | Chilean flora can be challenging, but rewarding - Santa Cruz Sentinel

My continuing quest for interesting these plants focuses currently on the Chilean Bellflower (Lapageria rosea), a beautiful flowering vine that is Chile’s national flower. A few nurseries list this plant on their websites, but it’s generally out of stock. Persistence should produce results. Adopting a theme of your choice could provide an alternative to the usual spontaneous approach to gardening in favor of the satisfaction of design coherence and the appeal of an ongoing hunt for botanical treasures. Tom Karwin is president of the Monterey Bay Area Cactus & Succulent Society, past president of the Friends of the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum, and a Lifetime UC Master Gardener (Certified 1999–2009). Visit for information on this topic. Send comments or questions to

Mar 9, 2017

Henry Homeyer: Some plants are just plain rambunctious

I can go pick stems for arrangements, and if the flowers want to spread I can mow them.Another vigorous spreader is the clustered bellflower (Campanula glomerata). This is a lovely globe-shaped cluster of bluish-purple blossoms on stems about 18 inches tall. Like obedient plant, it spreads by root and can be invasive if planted in full sun with rich moist soil. It showed up in my garden without ever being purchased. Some scrap of root must have come in with another flower, perhaps a gift plant.But clustered bellflower is much easier to control than obedient plant. It digs easily, and I found that by putting it in drier, shadier locations it made a very nice addition to the garden.Joe Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum) is a native wildflower that grows alongside my brook, flowering in August. I like the flowers even though they don’t last long in a vase. It’s great food for bees and butterflies. It can reach 6 feet or higher and has many small pink-purple flowers growing in clusters. A related species, E. maculatum, is said to be a bit shorter and tidier, especially a named cultivar, "Gateway." I bought Gateway and liked it — for several years. Then, like many of us, it spread in middle age. A tidy, 2-foot-wide plant became a messy 5-foot-wide plant, tall and floppy. It had to go.Digging up my Joe Pye was a real test of my mettle. With no helper available, I went at it with a shovel and fork. It didn’t even wiggle. So I cut off all stems and went at the roots with a pick-ax. Three hours later I had removed the roots. Later I learned about a cultivar called "Little Joe" of a related species, E. dubium. This one, I read, is a really nice size, maybe two feet tall and wide. But elsewhere I see it listed as 3 to 4 feet tall. Hmm. I need to be wary about these flowers. But I bet if I see one for sale, I’ll try it. Silly me.Once I decided to try planting a true bamboo plant. I had been warned that bamboo can take over a garden, spreading by root. So to prevent that, I planted the bamboo in a 50-gallon plastic drum. First I drilled drainage holes in the bottom and buried it, leaving a 3 inch lip above the soil line. I filled it with great soil and compost. Silly me. The bamboo barely survived the first winter, and eventually succumbed. But better safe than sorry.There are many plants that have been introduced to the United States with good intentions (or by mistake), only to turn invasive. Purple loosestrife is one, Japanese knotweed is another. Neither is controlled by any native American insect pests and they spread like wildfire. Both have root systems that are daunting, and a mature purple loosestrife plant, I have read, can produce a million seeds or more. And those seeds last for years.Fortunately, purple loosestrife, which can take over marshes and wet areas, is now being controlled by a beetle imported from Europe, where loosestrife originated. The beetle was tested before being... (The Providence Journal)

Jul 27, 2016

Balloon flowers can take the heat

As the buds grow, they inflate like an origami balloon. The balloon unfolds into a two-inch five-star bellflower in colors of blue, purple, pink, or white from June to September. Balloon flowers are bellflower family members, Campanulaceae. The Asian native is also called the Chinese bellflower or Japanese bellflower. Buds and stems exude a white milky sap when pinched and bear bisexual, scentless flowers with petals fused to form a five-lobed corolla, single, or double. Simple leaves alternate up their stems. Most balloon flowers are slow to erupt in spring and are often interplanted with spring bulbs to mark their location. Once balloon flowers surface, rapid growth makes up for lost time. Standard tall cultivars reach 36-50 inches in height. Dwarf specimens range from 12-24 inches in height. Single-flowered pink balloon flower They thrive in full sun to light shade and most well-drained soils in hardiness zones 3-8. They tolerate acid or alkaline soils. Balloon flowers are heat, drought, and cold tolerant. Since flowers are borne at the tip of stems in clusters, tall stemmed varieties may need support. Dwarf cultivars have been introduced for containers, rock gardens, and low borders. Insects and diseases stay clear of balloon flowers, but deer do browse on stems and flowers. The clump-forming perennial perpetuates itself by self-seeding. Deadheading is advised to thwart reseeding, but also to extend bloom time. Gardeners pr... (Columbia Star)

Jul 5, 2016

Trimming now will give flowers new blooms late in season

Biennial foxglove, columbine, bleeding heart and Blackberry lily will set seed for next year. Removal of Cranesbill geranium, campanula bellflowers and Heartleaf brunnera foliage that is sun damaged or dry can allow them a rebirth of sorts. Keeping butterfly bush and scabiosa merely “deadheaded” will provide an abundance of healthy happy blooms. Moonbeam coreopsis is one that can be sheared back when seed heads outnumber buds and blossoms. It will pop back up in a few weeks. During the Fourth of July weekend, I will be trimming back my leggy veronica and salvia that flop over or spread out, giving my weedy Cranesbill geranium a little off the top makeovers, and removing spent flowers from my Buddleia. Dry stems from bygone lilies and hostas will be removed. Catmint and Agastache will be trimmed back if blooms are finished. A little aggressive snipping now may seem cruel but when your garden puts on another bright show of flowers, your trimming will seem kind and the worse will be behind. Thank you Mr. Shakespeare. • For gardening questions, call the Linn County Extension Master Gardener Hortline at (319) 447-0647. Your next Home & Garden articles Give us feedback Have you found an error or omission in our reporting? Tell us here.Do you have a story idea we should look into? Tell us here. (The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines)

May 18, 2016

Can you tell a weed from a flower?

The flowers look like brightly coloured crepe paper, but until they burst in spring, can appear thistlelike.Creeping bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides)Answer: Weed.You must dig out the entire root of this weed, which can choke out other flowers if allowed to spread. The weed blooms in June but spreads by underground rhizomes and by seed, and can become a persistent weed. Bellflower often grows wild near fence lines and roadsides.Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium)Answer: Weed.If consumed, the seeds of this annual herb can cause hallucinations and poisoning. It’s a weed if you don’t want the risk around kids or animals.Burdock (Arctium minus)Answer: Weed.In this biennial’s first year, burdock’s large leaves and thick stalks resemble rhubarb but they are not edible. In its second year of growth, burdock creates burrs that will stick to your fleece, garden gloves and family pets. Burdock has a long taproot and can be tough to eradicate, Davey said.Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)Answer: Weed.This weed grows an extensive root and rhizome system and bears trumpet-shaped flowers that resemble Morning Glories. Bindweed competes for water and nutrients and will grow like a vine, strangling other plants. It roots down wherever it touches the earth.Correction - May 17, 2016: This article was edited from a previous version that included incorrect photos of Burdock and Creeping Charlie. As well, the previous version referred to Carole Ann Lacroix, as the assistant curator at the University of Guelph’s OAC Herbarium.  ...