Florists in Angels Camp, CA
Find local Angels Camp, California florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Angels Camp and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Angels Camp Flower Shops
Angels Camp CA News
Jan 8, 2016Mountain Melody chorus to open 'Ovations' series
Mountain Melody Women’s Chorus will open the 2016 season of the Calaveras Arts Council’s Ovations Performing Artist Series this weekend in Angels Camp.
The far-reaching impact of last year’s devastating Butte Fire has been felt personally by the chorus. The fire broke out as the music series was being organized and the Ovations committee felt this season will place special attention on the healing in the fire’s aftermath.
“We believe that art is instrumental in the healing process,” organizers said. “Several ladies lost their homes to the Butte Fire, and as we all know — art heals.”
The program for Sunday’s show aims to be spirited with songs such as “All Aboard,” “Respect,” “Sit Down, You’re Rocking the Boat,” “Call of the Flowers,” “Sun Don’t Set in the Morning,” “Fascinating Rhythm,” “For Good,” “Rhapsody,” “Shenandoah,” “Operator,” “Puttin’ on the Ritz,” “Amazing Grace,” “Evening Prayer,” “Java Jive,” “My Mountain Home,” “Mokelumne River Song,” “Seal Lullaby,” “This Little Light of Mine,” “Stars I Shall Find,” “O Sign Out,” “Be Joyful,” “Hymn to Theotokos,” and “Maquerule.”
The arts council announced on Tuesday that Mou... (Union Democrat)
Dec 23, 2015Yardsmart: Drive-by botany offers education in local plants
I took old Highway 49 through the Mother Lode to get there. This former trail once linked all the mining towns from Sierra City in the north to Angels Camp in the south. On these drives I became a drive-by botanist, watching the native plants show their true colors in wet years and in dry, cold winters and mild ones. If you are a good observer, you can learn more about your local native plants, too.
Along this amazing drive are south-facing slopes and rocky cliffs that flank the Yuba River canyons. Some are old cut slopes that have revegetated themselves over nearly a century. Those left natural maintain their original vegetative cover. Observing where native plants choose to live from the top, on the cliff face and at the toe of the slope helped me understand why they can be so misunderstood in cultivation.
On the rocky cliffs, plants crop up in small depressions among the rocks. Sometimes these are filled with sand, and other times they are little more than a crack in the rock where a seed was washed in and germinated. This plant's root ventures deep into fissures where moisture lingers long into the dry season. The species that thrive here include lupine, monkey flower, dudleya and penstemon, all lovers of direct ... (Myrtle Beach Sun News)