Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Petal & Kettle: Parksville Florist And Tea Co.

Order flowers and gifts from Petal & Kettle: Parksville Florist And Tea Co. located in Parksville BC for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 186 Craig Street, Parksville British Columbia V9P2H3 Zip. The phone number is (250) 248-3186. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Petal & Kettle: Parksville Florist And Tea Co. in Parksville BC. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Petal & Kettle: Parksville Florist And Tea Co. delivers fresh flowers – order today.

Business name:
Petal & Kettle: Parksville Florist And Tea Co.
186 Craig Street
British Columbia
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(250) 248-3186
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Petal & Kettle: Parksville Florist And Tea Co. directions to 186 Craig Street in Parksville, BC (Zip V9P2H3) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 49.318182, -124.31248 respectively.

Florists in Parksville BC and Nearby Cities

Flowers and Gifts News

Feb 2, 2016

Parksville Qualicum Beach business profile: Aiming for that emotional connection

Parksville Qualicum Beach resident Vicki Lerch was recently named one of the top 10 vacant home stagers in Canada. She owns a local business called Sold On Staging. — image credit: JOHN HARDING PHOTO The bottles of sparkling water are set on the kitchen counter, in just the right spot. The flowers and the book are strategically placed on the coffee table to give that feel of class and elegance. No detail is too small. Vicki Lerch's job is to make a house more inviting to potential buyers. And according to her peers, Lerch is pretty good at what she does. Lerch, the owner of Sold On Staging and president of the Real Estate Staging Association of B.C., was recently honoured as one of the top 10 professional vacant home stagers in Canada. Realtors or homeowners — or their adult children — contact Lerch when they want to add a professional touch. "You want to be able to help them market their house so it sells faster and when it sells faster it generally sells for the price you want," Le... (Parksville Qualicum Beach News)

Dec 30, 2015

Feehrer, Alice Grant Kelly (Cleveland)

Maryville College in 1954 where she was also an active member of the MC Choir. She and her family loved spending time with family and friends at Parksville Lake during the many summers of her life beginning in the 1940's. Many special memories will live on through her children and grandchildren. She was an avid nature lover and member of several nature and "green" organizations. She enjoyed travelling and was an avid hiker covering miles of trails throughout the U.S. and especially the Smokies and Cherokee National Forest. She also taught many kids how to swim and always swam across Parksville Lake on her birthday every year into her 70's. She enjoyed both lake and whitewater canoeing. Alice refused to let Parkinson's disease "label" her and managed it well for 25 years. She was the widow of S. Wayne Feehrer, married for 60 years. Her survivors include her children, Majie Millaway (Gary), Kelly Feehrer (Edie) and Sammy Feehrer (Anne) all of Cleveland; her grandchildren, Brad Millaway (Sara), Sarah Jane Moore (Chase), Emily Davidson (Corey), Patten Feehrer, Grant Feehrer and Bailey Feehrer; great-grandchildren, Tapanga, Addison, Colten, Reese, Izzy and Lila Grant;  and great-niece, Mary Kathryn Vanosdale of Nashville, whom she thought of as a second daughter.  A service of Remembrance will be conducted at Broad Street United Methodist Church on Thursday, Nov. 12 at 4 p.m. with the Reverends Skip White and Randy Martin officiating. Visitation will be in the Narthex of the church from 2:30-4 p.m. prior to the service.  In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Broad Street United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 3, Cleveland, TN 37364 or any charity of your choice. Special thanks to Garden Plaza personnel and staff, Helping Hands of Cleveland and Caris Healthcare. You are en... (The Chattanoogan)

Dec 30, 2015

Nanaimo, Parksville move to level 4 water restrictions with extreme drought ...

B.C.. ?City officials say if people continue to water and power wash at the current rate, Parksville and the area surrounding Nanaimo will run out of water.  "We will run out of water. Literally right now if we continue at the consumption levels that we are at right now we will have insufficient water by end of August." said Fred Manson, Parksville's chief administrative officer. The new restrictions are Level 4, and affect Parksville and the District of Nanaimo — but not the City of Nanaimo, which remains at Level 2 water restriction. The area relies on local rivers, which were already low because of a reduced snow pack. The new rules mirror those in the Level 3 restrictions already in place in the Comox Valley and the Cowichan Valley, which uses a different rating system, and the Level 4 restrictions announced for Salt Spring Island last week. Parksville is cutting the hours it runs its popular children's spray park to conserve the water. (CBC) The decision by Parksville city and District of Nanaimo officials came after water storage levels dipped low enough that it could impact their ability to fight a large fire or s... (

Oct 12, 2015

Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, Oct. 9, 2015

Walmart. Her expertise created the exact image that I wanted. Thank you, Thank you. Rich blessings to you. I RECENTLY DROVE BACK from Nanaimo via Parksville and Qualicum Beach. Has anyone seen the signage advertising our Conservative MP? It looks like a three ring circus with signs shooting out every which way from the gigantic sign in the middle. Some look like a roller coaster. All he needs is a clown suit, I'm sure it will fit. BIG BEEF to the "white dog club" ladies that walk their pooches on a regular basis on the walkway that passes through Idiens Park & Playground. SHAME on you! This Tuesday morning I witnessed all of your pooches off leash at the Idiens Park playground urinating and defecating in the sand and on the play equipment where children play every day. FYI, you kicking sand over the contaminated spots your dog left behind does NOT cover the fact that the contamination is still there. How disgusting that some little innocent child today will be playing in sand and on playground equipment that your dog soiled with their urine and feces. How would you like to play in it? Dogs are supposed to be on a leash in playgrounds to prevent this from occurring. That's why there's signs posted requesting dog owners to keep their dogs on a leash. Today, I lost all respect for you ladies as responsible dog owners. Signed: A disgusted mother & grandmother HUGE ARMFULS of favourite flowers for all who contributed so willingly to the success of Uni... (Comox Valley Echo)


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