Birthday Flowers

A heart-warming Birthday surprise for someone you truly care about!

Funeral Service

Funeral Service Flowers for a well-lived life is the most cherished. Be that open heart for that special someone in grief.


Create that sense of peace and tranquility in their life with a gentle token of deepest affections.

Quality Foods

Order flowers and gifts from Quality Foods located in Comox BC for a birthday, anniversary, graduation or a funeral service. The address of the flower shop is 2275 Guthrie Road, Comox British Columbia V9M4G1 Zip. The phone number is (250) 890-1005. We are committed to offer the most accurate information about Quality Foods in Comox BC. Please contact us if this listing needs to be updated. Quality Foods delivers fresh flowers – order today.

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Quality Foods
2275 Guthrie Road
British Columbia
Zip Code:
Phone number:
(250) 890-1005
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Express you love, friendship, thanks, support - or all of the above - with beautiful flowers & gifts!

Find Quality Foods directions to 2275 Guthrie Road in Comox, BC (Zip V9M4G1) on the Map. It's latitude and longitude coordinates are 49.688742, -124.945017 respectively.

Florists in Comox BC and Nearby Cities

Flowers and Gifts News

Jul 26, 2019

Artist says it with flowers in Campbell River exhibit - Campbell River Mirror

Deveau says in her artist’s statement. “I inherited a beautiful well established and quite substantial flower garden when we bought our house in Comox a few years ago. Now, especially in the springtime, every morning there are delightful little surprises showing up unannounced to brighten my day. When I do my morning walk through the garden I am taken by how expressive flowers are with the way they are shaped, or the way they bend in the wind, as if swaying to music or a bird’s song, or how they are reaching for the sun, opening up, and then closing up as a direct response to the sun or rain. And on a grey day their colours are even more vibrant than on sunny days. For me, translating that to a painterly language that uses colour as expression seemed inevitable. “I read that Vincent painted sunflowers primarily to brighten his friend’s bedroom. I think that is as good a reason as any to paint a thing. I painted sunflowers because they are my sister’s favourite flower and I am always happy to brighten her day. They seem to represent sunshine and happiness with their vibrant shades of yellow. But their stature is stoical to me and that represents my sister’s nature in every way.” “Say it with Flowers is about expressing the sheer joy of appreciating mother nature’s gift to us all and sharing how the magical essence of flowers can draw on our emotions.” Say It With Flowers will exhibit in the Tidemark Art Gallery until the end of July and...

Sep 21, 2016

Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, September 16, 2016

GREAT BIG BOUQUET to Rob at Roto-Rooter for friendly, kind and thorough service. TO THE WOMAN WHO YELLED at me in the parking lot at Quality Foods in Comox: I informed you that when you are backing out of a parking space, you are to yield to oncoming traffic. If you don't believe me go to or enter ' fault determination in a parking lot accident. You will find and I quote, "Anyone who is moving out of a parking space must yield to those who are driving through. Just like a car coming out of a driveway onto street, vehicles in a parking space do not have right-of-way over those who are already proceeding." You yelled "It's a good thing I have a back-up camera or I would have hit you." It is indeed a good thing or you might have been paying to fix my car. I may be old but I am not stupid. I WANT TO DIRECT my comments to the "(Seriously quit hating) Haha bring it on" moron who openly make threats towards responsible pet owners. Those who own pit bulls are irresponsible.  Those who take these dangerous animal out in the public are irresponsible morons.  Bear spray or pepper spray wouldn't stop a pit bull when they attack on their mission to kill.  They're  killers.  Breed to kill, born to kill. It's not will they attack, it's when they will attack. How many more people have to be injured and our pets killed before the proper action is taken. They have been banned in other provinces. A VERY SMELLY BEEF to the remaining two Union Bay Improvement District trustees who have been seen together with the Kensington developer at a neighbour's barbecue (with only a few invited guests) and being very chummy on a golf team at a local competition with Mr. and Mrs. Developer.  How do you spell "C O N F LICT OF INTEREST"? It's no surprise that those two trustees don't bother responding to emails asking them what is going on in our community.  So much for transparency in government! BOUQUETS to –Ted. For his objections to taxpayers subsidizing religious groups, churches etc. that have been declared tax exempt by Courtenay Council. I do not subscribe to these people's delusional beliefs or practices, yet find myself, thanks to Council, subsidizing their tax bill. What a deal! I am a senior, worked hard and paid into the system for decades, supporting my country, province and municipality. I now live on a pension and have to budget to pay my taxes. I wonder how many Council members are affiliated with a church or religious group. Many of these groups own valuable property all over the place. Let them pay their own way. Or perhaps, whichever deity they mumble to can send the money. What is that phrase again? "God" will provide? THE NEWUnion Bay website deserves thanks.  Let the truth be told! For all of the people down in Union Bay  I am so glad you finally have a website for people who want to think for themselves and make up their own minds. Check it out! THIS BEEF is to all the drivers who somehow passed their road test, but have forgotte... (Comox Valley Echo)

Sep 14, 2016

Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, September 2, 2016

MANY BOUQUETS to the people of Courtenay for your kind support and warm welcome. - Amanda Jay on 5th Street THE FLOWERS along the streets of Comox and Courtenay are absolutely beautiful  Many thanks to The Town of Comox and City of Courtenay Parks Department. TO EMTERRA. A special thank you to Christine, the rest of the staff and management, for the kindness they showed  to the community regarding recycling pickup. Much appreciated. I'D LIKE TO GIVE a heartfelt thank you to Sara Gunn, of Orpha's Prairie Baking. She came to my aid when I was injured by a falling table at the Campbell River Farmer's Market. Sara was instantly there, got me to hospital, arranged for my car to be looked after, and was attentive, reassuring and kind. I can't thank her enough for her kind generosity of spirit. Please support her in her local business. DINING OUT in the Comox Valley is usually a terrific experience. We have more and better places to have a great meal certainly than in Nanaimo and arguably more than in many places in the lower mainland. The quality of food and servers is terrific. This evening however, I had dinner in a corporate B... (Comox Valley Echo)

Aug 15, 2016

Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, August 12, 2016

FOUND: Pair of men's prescription eye glasses in a black case. Found off the #1 fairway of Comox Golf Course in the blackberry patch behind Ocean Pointe. Owner may claim at the pro shop of the Comox Golf Course. MY BEEF is for people not using handicap parking permits properly. Too many times I see convertibles and muscle cars and trucks pull into a handicapped parking space with a handicap permit card hanging from the rear view mirror. Then they leap over the door without opening it or hop down from 5 feet up and run into a store. They may have a handicap and yes, many are not apparent or visible. But many of them, their handicap is laziness and abuse. Grandma may have the permit and you may drive her now and then but the permit is for her transport, not your convenience. Here are some of the basic laws for the ownership and use of the handicap permit in B.C. It is issued by SPARC, the agency in B.C. assigned to issue the permits and is non-profit run mostly by fees and donations. First, permits from other provinces and Europe are recognized in B.C. Second, the disabled parking permit is issued to a person, not a car. Third, it is illegal to have the permit hanging from your rear view mirror while driving. Fourth, it is only to be used for parking when the disabled or handicapped user is driving the vehicle or present in the vehicle. Fifth, when you renew your permit in B.C., SPARC requires you to return the old outdated one. Sixth, It is illegal to alter or amend the original permit. Seventh, at a metered parking spot even marked as handicap parking you still have to pay even with the permit. Eighth, the card be displayed so both sides and the dates can be viewed, not lying flat on a dashboard with half of it concealed (hiding the expiry date?). This town is full of folks young and old who either do not know the law regarding handicap parking permits, or folks who choose to ignore the laws. If anyone is suspicious about the use of the permits, take down the car's license plate and send it to SPARC. They can investigate whether the use is legitimate or not. MANY BOUQUETS of your favourite birds to Early Bird Cafe for great food and superior service on July 24 despite the breakfast rush. A minor correction for your notice listing famous songs. "White Christmas" was first recorded by Bing Crosby for the film "Holiday Inn" in 1942, not 1950. A BEEF ... and with sadness ... Last Saturday (6th) a very small group went down at 10 o'clock in the rain to a water front park to remember the demolition of a historic house. They placed a small (2'x2') memorial of flowers they had picked from their own gardens where the house had once stood. They remember the man that left one of the most beautiful estuary parks in B.C., maybe in Canada, where over 145 different kinds of birds migrate to. A few hours later one of the group went back with a young friend to the memorial.. (Comox Valley Echo)

May 18, 2016

Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, May 13, 2016

Bakery, Coxox Coach and Shuttle, Home Depot and Bob Wells the sound master. Most importantly we offer our gratitude to the generous community of the Comox Valley for their on-going support for people experiencing homelessness. We hope to see you all next May. - Liz Datoo and Joline Martin of Spices and Blarney BOUQUETS AND WARM SMILES to the garden crew for doing such a great job on cleaning up the Comox hill. Looks GOOD! Plants on Comox Ave. are a pleasure to view. A BEEF TO THE THIEF who took bins out of our van at the bottle depot on Puntledge. We are a group of people with diverse-abilities who are trying to make money and serve the community The bins are clearly labelled "CANDO" and if they are seen or found please call the number which is also clearly marked on the bins. BOUQUETS to Saratoga Speedway on opening night 2016 and the spectacular fireworks display. WONDERFUL BOUQUET to Ross. My mother Edna was at Lewis Park on Thursday. Her scooter broke down, dead battery. Ross being a very nice man came to her rescue. He called her home and called her family, he stayed with her for over an hour and a half, for us to arrive with help. But he did not stop there. We had no easy way to get the scooter home. So he, and my husband, lifted it ito the back of his pick-up truck and delivered it to her home. WOW!! Ross, thank you. We wish many blessings to you. A HEART-FELT THANK YOU to all who worked to put on the Anzac service. From a Kiwi who had his first chance since living in Canada to attend a service. It brought back many memories of attending the dawn service in Auckland with my father, who served in the desert and later in Italy in WW II. A special thanks to Mr. Bartholomew who organized this event and the Canadian vets who attended. There was a good attendance and I am sure all the Aussies and Kiwis are grateful to all who put on this event. It was obvious that a lot of care and pride went in to it. Thank you to all who spoke, it really made it a special time. Also to the people who served coffee, cookies, and, of course, Anzac biscuits. I will certainly be attending next year. HUGE BOUQUET and heart shaped box of chocolates to the McDonalds on Ryan Rd.  I ordered fries with no salt and that is exactly what they gave me!  Not a speck of salt anywhere!  Thanks for taking the care you did.  I've never received absolutely no salt before.  You people are the best, thank you. JUNE WILL BE A SAD, sad month in Comox. Judy, one of my two favourite posties is retiring and the post office will never be the same again. She has worked there for something like 33 years, starting at the age of 13, I believe. We will all miss her. I particularly, will miss her winning smile, beautiful hair and her flirty flirty eyes. i think the very least Comox could do, would be to fly all flags at half mast on the day she retires. WCG SERVICES and the ServiceAbility Courtenay program would like to send a big bouquet and many thanks to all of the local employers who have and are continuing to support the participants in our program. What a great community! ONE OF THE SPECIAL PERKS in the Comox Valley is wonderful places to eat like Locals in Courtenay and Twisted Dishes in Comox.  Both use quality,  locally sourced products.  I know I will get wonderful food and great service at both.  At Twisted Dishes, they even bake their own bread, cookies, and other special treats.  And now, Twisted Dishes too is open 7 days a week, with breakfast available all day on the weekend. ROSY RETIREMENT BOUQUET to Judy from Comox Ave Post... (Comox Valley Echo)

May 3, 2016

Beefs and Bouquets, Friday, April 29, 2016

Falls from roofs cost employers $243 million in BC last year and many deaths and injuries.Yet ,few on roof shere in the Comox valley wear fall protection gear. Very obvious .It is Wild West on roofs and our highway ways. Deregulation.Of course the BC NDP went overboard-but what could be more important than a human life? Photo radar saved lives but P'eed off the speeder's in the BC Liberal cabinet. The BC Minister of Transport just does not get it-speed kills –not slow drivers, following posted limits. MOUNTAINAIRE AVIAN RESCUE SOCIETY (MARS) would like to send a big feathery bouquet to all the kind sponsors who contributed to our 2016 Open House. A big "Thank You" to Eagle FM Radio, Quality Foods Courtenay, Mid-Island Gifts, Shopper's Drug Mart Courtenay, Outback Nursery, Scotia Bank and Re/Max. Thanks to you and our many volunteers we had a super fun-filled day. BEEF: Once again an encounter with a dog owner who figures they own the world and can do no wrong. While out exercising with my wife on the logging road a black Whippet dog came charging out of the woods and headed straight for my wife with its teeth bared and barking, hair raised on its back. My wife, who is afraid of dogs, almost jumped into my arms as I moved to block the dog. I yelled for the owner, who was still out of sight but was in the woods yelling for their dog, to put their stupid dog on a leash. The dog then ran back to its owner, turned, and charged my wife again from 30 feet away; this really got me mad and I told the convex woman, who finally made it out of the woods, that if her dog charged me again I would kill it. Yelling to her dog she stated "I was just about to put her on the leash", meanwhile, the dog charged my wife for a third time, this time I tried to grab the dog but the animal was out of reach.  Of course the owner who still had not managed to put the dog on a leash yelled "don't you hurt my dog". Her dog then charged my screaming wife a fourth time with teeth bared, this was more than I could take and confronted the useless owner chest to chest who finally put her dog on the leash.  With much yelling back and forth she of course used the standard idiot dog owner excuse "she is very friendly and doesn't bite anyone". What kind of a stupid mentality is this? If a person approached you with a weapon and said "I have never hurt an... (Comox Valley Echo)


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