Florists in Bisbee, AZ
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Bisbee AZ News
Aug 15, 201623 days to FSU football: All-American WR begins debate of best Seminole No. 23
Mention in 2003; in 2005, we was a fourth-round selection of the St. Louis Rams.
The other Seminoles to sport No. 23:
Leonard Melton (1948-1949)
Ham Bisbee (1954)
Jerry Henderson (1955)
Harold Cummings (1956)
Pappy Rozman (1957)
John Sheppard (1957-1958)
Fred Grimes (1959)
Ralph Parkman (1960)
Jack Forehand (1961)
Jim Loftin (1962-1963)
Wayne Giardino (1964-1966)
Bobby Lent (1967)
Don Pederson (1968-1969)
David Eddy (1970-1971)
Chris Griffin (1972-1975)
Homes Johnson (1980)
Tracy Ashley (1981-1983)
Jerome McCoy (1984)
Deion Sanders (1985)
Pat White (1986-1987)
Ray Gibson (1986)
Bryce Abbott (1988-1991)
Eric Black (1992)
Shawn Gay (1993)
Mitch Scharf (1997)
Antone Smith (2005)
Roosevelt Lawson (2006-2008)
Chris Thompson (2009-2011)
Jared Armstrong (2012-2013)
Gerald Demps (2012-2013)
Freddie Stevenson (2014-present)
Ricky Aguayo (present)
Football and democracy happen below.
(Tomahawk Nation)
Feb 3, 2016The story behind Ted DeGrazia and how he became a famous Arizona artist
Alexandra Maria Diamos, and got married. He started working at his father-in-law’s movie houses in Tucson and, later, Bisbee.
DeGrazia managed to sell a few paintings around this time, including a few to Raymond Carlson, editor of Arizona Highways, who wrote an article about the artist. One of his paintings was selected for an exhibit in New York. But even with these small successes, nothing in his life suggested DeGrazia was on the fast track to become a famous artist.
In the summer of 1942, DeGrazia and his wife drove to Mexico City, where he slippe... (
Jan 8, 2016Mike Vasey: The Magic of Manzanitas
I chased them all down, basically. So the material that [later] went into the field guide was a 25-year endeavor. And Jeff Bisbee worked for at least a couple of years on taking the photos. Tom and I have never stopped working on Arctostaphylos; we probably won’t stop until the day we die!
A Mariposa manzanita (Arctostaphylos viscida ssp. mariposa) growing near the edge of Yosemite National Park shows off the genus’ signature smooth red bark. (Photo by Jeff Bisbee)
SR: What was the motive to create a book that’s for more of a lay audience than a scientific one?
MV: One day out of the blue, we got an email from Michael Kauffmann, who’s the Backcountry Press publisher, asking, “Would you guys be interested in doing this field guide to manzanitas?”
Tom and I share the belief that this is an incredibly fascinating group, but it’s kind of locked away from the average person because it’s incredibly diverse and it takes some time to get to know and understand the plants’ characters, more time than the average person is willing to spend plowing through The Jepson Manual. So we were really excited about the idea of a book that has nice photographs, shows habitat, shows the species, has regional keys, and puts everything together in one place. We were excited about empowering people to get to know this group because it’s like sharing a great secret that’s been locked away behind technical jargon.
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know this group so well, traveling to all these places to see the manzanitas. Because it’s not just seeing the manzanitas;...