Florists in Atkins, AR
Find local Atkins, Arkansas florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Atkins and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
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Atkins AR News
Dec 10, 2020Tips for using a real Christmas tree or other holiday plants - Standard-Times
Allison Watkins
Special to the San Angelo Standard-Times
Some of the most beautiful and traditional Christmas decorations are plants — Christmas trees, poinsettias, green garlands and more. Using real plants for decorating inside the home can add a lot of festive atmosphere and fragrance, for those who don’t suffer from allergies.To have the best success with a real Christmas tree, purchase one that has vibrant green color and resilient needles that don’t pull off when gently tugged — they should be flexible and moist. Or to have the freshest possible tree, cut one down yourself at a Christmas tree farm. Either way, when setting up the tree up at home, cut off the lower two inches of trunk to increase water uptake and place on a tree stand with a water basin. Refill the water basin regularly, even every day in some cases, to keep the tree fresh.To use a living Christmas tree — a potted evergreen that can be planted outside after the holiday — purchase a species that is adapted to local condi...
Nov 9, 2019It's November, and Southcentral Alaska's unusually warm fall has some plants putting out spring buds - Anchorage Daily News
It’s springtime in the Chugach Mountains, where fuzzy white willow catkins are a sure sign of longer, warmer days ahead. There’s just one problem: It’s November. “It’s pretty much unprecedented,” said Justin Fulkerson, a research botanist at the University of Alaska Anchorage who said he first heard reports of catkins (also known as “pussy willows”) showing up in the Anchorage area from a fellow scientist in late October. Fulkerson said Scouler’s willow (Salix scouleriana) is normally one of the first plants to bud in spring. They’re usually seen in late March or early April, but for the plants to restart their life cycle in fall, he said, is "really odd and weird.” He said the culprit is Southcentral Alaska’s unusually warm fall, which has willows and other early rising plants thinking spring. “The plants are confused because of the warmer temperatures we’re having right now,” he said. According to the National Weather Service, the average temperature in Anchorage for October was 41.8 degrees — 7 degrees above normal. On Oct. 28, the ci...
Nov 15, 2018Dawson County recognizes Veterans Day
During the ceremony, the 2018 Veteran of the Year award
recipient was announced by Vietnam Veteran Wayne Watkins.
Sgt. Albert Andrew Day, an Alpharetta born Vietnam
veteran, serving in the third, infantry fourth battalion Delta company until
his honorable discharge in 1970, received the award for his military service
and his continued efforts within the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 970.
Day currently serves on the board of directors and served
as the special operations officer in charge of the chapter's primary
fundraising event for two years.
"I don't feel like I deserve it, but I'll take it with
honor," Day said. "My tour in Vietnam might not have been as exciting as some
of you, but it was really an experience, and if I had to do it all over again,
I'd do it." ...
Oct 26, 2018BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS: Chenille, trumpet and birds of paradise
Bahamas every year,” Kathy wrote. “The red blooms are known as catkins, or red hot cat’s tail.”She explained that these showy plants do best in Zone 10, but can do well in our Zone 9 with some extra care in the winter months.We’d say they are definitely worth a try!We just loved the delicate lavender and purple bloom of the trumpet plant that Linda Morrell of Port Orange sent in.“This summer, it was so small to start and now over three foot tall,” Linda wrote about this Beautiful Bloom that lives in a flower garden on the east side of her pool. “It just keeps on blooming. Each time I think it is done, three or four more blossoms appear. It is so beautiful.”We agree it is one of the more stunning trumpet blooms we’ve seen this season.And how about this yellow bird of paradise sent in by Claire Augusto from Bethune Beach?“This beauty was a complete surprise,” Claire told us. “My sister gifted me four 'orange' birds of paradise after giving up on them ever blooming. She had them in pots for years. I chose to transplant them into my sunny, front flower bed. They bloomed this year – the first year in the ground. The colors are magnificent!”We agree! Thanks to Claire’s sister, Dianne, for giving her birds of paradise on new home to flourish!So let’s keep the Beautiful Blooms flourishing here, too! We’re sticking to our promise ...
Jul 26, 2018Mourners leave flowers for duck boat victims as officials probe for answers
Morgan Watkins, Wyatt D. Wheeler, and Doug Stanglin
Published 5:21 p.m. UTC Jul 21, 2018
Jul 26, 2018Altoona, Meet your Market: River Prairie hosts new Monday farmers market
The market is scheduled to run every week through the end of October, with the exception of Labor Day.
Roy Atkinson, management analyst for the City of Altoona, is one of the market's organizers, along with Debra Goldbach, recreation manager. The market idea has been thrown around for some time, according to Atkinson, but the supportive response to the vendor market of the June P10 festival indicated that people were excited about the idea. "It really put a hop in our step to get it going," he said.
"I think it's the perfect space to have a farmer's market," Atkinson said. Organizers expect 8-10 vendors at each market, featuring flowers, vegetables, meat, and baked goods. Local musician Jeff Fagen will be busking on-site, and the city aims to have food trucks offering good eats.
"We think it's a really good compliment to the work day," Atkinson said. "It promotes healthy living in a lot of ways." Atkinson is "brimming with optimism" about the new Altoona market, and looking forward to its pilot run.
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