Florists in Ashdown, AR
Find local Ashdown, Arkansas florists below that deliver beautiful flowers to residences, business, funeral homes and hospitals in Ashdown and surrounding areas. Choose from roses, lilies, tulips, orchids, carnations and more from the variety of flower arrangements in a vase, container or basket. Place your flower delivery order online of call.
Ashdown Flower Shops
77 East Main Street
Ashdown, AR 71822
(870) 898-8750
420 East Hamilton #1
Ashdown, AR 71822
(870) 898-3384
77 E Main St
Ashdown, AR 71822
(870) 898-9595
440 W Main St
Ashdown, AR 71822
(870) 667-7122
Ashdown AR News
Jan 8, 2016Sandra “Sandy” Kovarovic
BALLSTON LAKE Sandra “Sandy” Kovarovic, 73, of Ashdown Road, died Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015, at Joan Nicole Prince Home in Scotia, New York.
She was born Dec. 6, 1942, in Albany, New York, the daughter of the late Donald E. and Edith Jane (Stodard) Wiese.
Sandy was a graduate of Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake High School, Class of 1960. She lived in the Ballston Lake area most of her life. While raising her children, she was active in the many school and extracurricular events they participated in. With her upbeat spirit, she was the perfect Girl Scout leader. She was a very gifted artist who especially enjoyed painting. She painted for Disney World and Great Escape. During the late 1970s and early 1980s, Sandy owned and operated Hobby House Craft Store. She was an avid reader and loved to sew and go camping with her family. A true cat lover, Sandy just adored her newest kitty, Muffy. Sandy enjoyed her second home in Englewood, Florida, where she spent many beautiful days sitting in the sand and listening to the ocean.
She was the wife of F... (Glens Falls Post-Star)