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Attalla AL News
Jun 10, 2016CRAWFORD | Remember, Louisville: We will never see the likes of this day, or Ali, again
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth,” he said, “Champ, your rent is paid in full.”
John Ramsey, well done.
There was Attallah Shabazz, daughter of slain Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X, and a resident of Louisville for the past six years. There were many inspiring, humorous, insightful speakers, on Friday, but few conveyed the sense of loss better than Shabazz.
“Having Muhammad Ali in my life somehow sustained my dad’s breath for me just a little while longer — 51 years longer until now,” she said, tearfully.
There were other memorable moments. Barack Obama, in remarks relayed by Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, said that the world embraced Ali because he was the best of America, and in fact said, “Muhammad Ali was America. Muhammad Ali will always be America.”
Former president Bill Clinton said, “We should honor him by letting our gifts go among the world as his did.”
Berkeley-based rabbi Michael Lerner, said, “The way to honor Muhammad Ali is to be Muhammad Ali today,” then launched into a rousing political list of reforms as a start.
But on this day, I couldn’t help but be struck by this city, full of dignitaries, royalty, rulers and common people, from around the world. By a procession heading down streets where we often report crimes and shootings. By frank discussions of race and poverty and God.
This is an important moment for Louisville, not just because the world was watching, but because it is an opportunity, a chance to spark momentum for improvement in those areas that erupted for a fallen champion. To honor Ali, that route should get more tha... (WDRB)
Oct 12, 2015'Holiday Homecomings': Tupelo Garden Club hosts Alabama floral designer
Holiday Homecomings” on Oct. 27 at St. James Catholic Church will feature renowned floral designer Benny Campbell, who owns and operates Attalla Florist and Design in Attalla, Alabama.
“At the last fundraiser we hosted, we had a mother-daughter team from Greenville who came and spoke and afterward I was talking with them and they suggested Benny,” said Ann Godwin, president of the garden club. “I checked with other garden clubs and after talking with him two or three times, I thought he would be just perfect.”
Benny Campbell. (Courtesy)
Campbell, whose designs have appeared in Southern Accents, Southern Bride and People magazines, will share his secrets for creating arrangements in his signature style that is both airy and lush. Using an eclectic array of material and containers, he will instruct, inspire, and entertain with his imaginative ideas for enhancing fall and holiday tables.
“Our theme is holiday homecomings and he’s going to do arrangements for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas,” Godwin said.
The fundraiser will begin at 11 a.m. in the Catholic Life Center where lunch will include chicken pasta salad, a cold vegetable medley, corn muffins, fruit, chocolate mousse and cookies.
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased in advance at Jody’s, Mid-South Nursery, Philips Garden Center, Reed’s Gift Shop or from any garden club member.
And if Campbell’s talents and lunch aren’t enough, Tupelo Garden Club members will also present six tablescapes to inspire participants. The themes are Thanksgiving Di...